Wednesday, November 2, 2011


im love to ride..
when i ride, i feel im free..
but im not rempit..
i'm just normal rider..
i like to ride rather than drive..
myb my soul still love to ride..
if i have problem mybe feel burden or sadness,
i would like to ride by myself see the road..
let me share something wiv u..
its so amazing to watch 'kilat' in ur own eye..
n its so scary when u saw it in front of u when u ride..

diz is d story..
one day i go to town by myself n like always i rempit laa.for a few week i cant hang out after i come back stress n a lot of pressure..actually i have big mission n its allow me to have some fun hehe..i need to buy pin no at bsn for my application degree..after done it,i spend my time to 'jalan2' at wetex parade.. u noe wut.. then i wish 2 buy something 4 myself kt watson..2 things i buy there: pencuci muka n compact powder! hehe.. b4 balik umah,ak singgh kt kfc jap..mkn sowg ag! adush! i buy pocketful! cdp2!..sgt sadis ble tgk org len mkn dgn dulik pe aku..yg pnting ak knyg..tgh khusyuk aku mkn ttba ak tgk lua langit da gelap smcm..ak da riso ak pon bgegas balik ke umah..ble aku stat je moto,. ttb ak dgr bnyi guruh..dlm aty ak"aduh sudah! sempat ke blik nie" aku pon mula pecut balik umah..dr jauh ak da nmpk kwsn umah ak kompem da ujan sbb gelap giler tau x.. ble da smpai trafik light pertama,ujan renyai mula turun..tkt pnyer sal ak langgar je lampu isyrt uw..mse ak ngh rempit,,ttbe ak nmpk kilat btol2 kt dpn mata ak..CUAK giler! dlm hati xputus2 bc ayat kursi sbgai pelindung diri.. mmg tbaik r..mse ak ride uw..aku rase kilat uw btol2 xjauh dr sisi ak..bunyi dy mmg xyah nk ckp r..ley tcabut jntg ak..mse kilat ke2 uw..ujan mkin lebat sampai ak xley nak buka ak ttp truskn dgn ujan lbt n jln licin.. ak pon selamat smpai kt umh wlpon bdn ak mgigil..ble ak msuk je umah,,ak hnya mmpu tsenyum ble tgk muka mak..hahaha..pas je aku letak helmet kt dapo,,ttb dgn lebatnyer ujan turun!

alhamdulillah..Allah permudahkn urusan aku..

n last but not least! I will never 4get that moment spanjg idop aku t~ hahaha..

moral of d story!
-dgr cakap mak.
-jgn mkn solo..haha
-beringat la lau nak kua tu
-ingat Allah sntiasa bsama anda!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

kata~kata cinta

bebear's say
kata2 cinta bukan mudah diluahkan..
ungkapan sayang kadangkala mudah diucapkan..
namun hati ini sentiasa mendambakan ungkapan sayang dari orang yang amat dicintai..
teringin jua hati ini tatkala terlalu merinduimu..
ingin ku mendengar kata2 nan indah darimu..
hati ini terlalu rindukan belaian dan kasih sayangmu..
ingin sekali kembali ke masa awal pengenalan dulu..
disaat mula mengenali hati..
disaat jantung berdegup pantas pabila mendengar suaramu..
walaupun sekadar ditalian..
gelak tawa suka dan duka bersama..
kadangkala rapuh jua cinta kita dek terlalu merana berjauhan begini..
namun kita kembali bertaut kasih pabila rindu mengusik hati..
adakah kamu merasa apa yang ku rasa,sayang?

teddy's say
ku jua merasai apa yang kamu rasai sayang..
aku insan biasa penuh dengan kekurangan..
aku jua insan yang mendambakan kasih sayang cinta dari orang yang sanagt bermakna dalam hidupku..
kalau diberi pelaung dan ruang waktu aku ingin saat kamu di depan mata ku..
kerna waktu itu hatiku sangat tenang tatkala aku menatap wajahmu..
dengan penuh belaian kasih cinta dan sayangku terhadapmu sayang..
saat hatiku kesunyian kamu penghibur..
saat aku menangis kamulah yang akan membuatku tersenyum dengan ceria..
saat aku marah kamulah yang akan meredakan marahku dengan pujuk yang penuh manja..
disebaliknya aku bersyukur dengan adanya kamu..
aku berharap kamu akan terus bertakta dalam hati ini..
i love u..

Saturday, January 1, 2011


epY nEw yeaR 20!!,,,

gudbye 2010 n welcome 2011,,
da 2 taun stdy kt uiTm segamat nie!
n ni taun terakhir ak kt cni

org ckp,,
say gudbye 2 2010 n leave it in 2010,,
lau cinta 2010 pn kna tingalkn 2010 n cari love baru,,
haha,,xd la,,gurau ajer,,

here i am,,
kojel mutiara aka uitm sgmt,,
sem 5,,2011,,

will miss u'll,,
sbln leby duk umah,,
best jaga adam,,
rindu adam t,,
t acik balik yea,,
rindu umah,tv,mak,abah,adik,,

almost 5month we togeher with alot of 'THINGS',,
love tedy_bear,,
still faithful for that love,,

result xcapai matlamat!
but Alhamdulillah
stat new sem with new spirit n new hope,,
semangat mesti kuat nk hadapi idup ni kn,,
ni bru ckt lau nk dbndingkn dgn dunia lua t,,

still with them,,stick with them,,
hope sumenyer bjalan lancar n no conflict plez!

tahun baru sude smpai mjenguk dunia,,
bile ag nk berubah??
smpai ble nk duk kt ci2 je?
moh kite same2 together2 bjuang utk mse depan,,


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

dont judge people with it cover,,

dont judge people with it cover,,
many time we have heard this statement rite,but everytime we evaluate people, we will ignore that statement.. only few of us will use that statement in daliy life.. same goes to me,,i always say that dont give total evaluation only u know them in few days or week. yes, i apply that prinsip in my life, but some case i forget to know the real meaning of that. if we see surface from their character, we easy to judge wheather they gud or bad person. in what contect or aspect we judge that is depend on urself. people can play many character and sometimes can split their character in second. we get confuse their real personality in just one day we meet them. but when we explore their life deeply, one by one truth will apear and shown. that time all question will answer naturally. if we meet someone who have bad tempered, egoistic, and social we easy to judge that are bad person without knowing inside of them. if we take a certain period time, sometimes we find positive of them. sometime they are more kind rather than us in other aspect. we will shy if we find out the goodness of them. sometime they have their own reason why their be like that. dont think good person are always good and vise verse. if we find one of their bad characteristic, dont easily judge or give negative perspection to them. we dont have rite to give any punishment or judgement to others. if we see the bad thing, first, see in urself, try to avoid from do it and apply the good things from what u see. better check urself rather than busy to judge people. we only see the negative of people but never see the negative of theirself. dont easily accept people totally from first perception. because sometimes first perception is just a lie statement. if we easily accept them with ur first perception u will leave them if u find beside of them. know them first, explore their life. dont accept positive side of them but we must accept negative of them too.

Friday, October 15, 2010

study week!! im getting weak!

hye,,how ur day? feel good? great,, if not,,just relax and keep smile in ur face k,, week come again,,feel tyme r running too face hah! but, wat 2 do,,tyme is keep running rite..its ok,,many things happen in my life and maybe goes same to u.. UNEXPECTED! that d best words that can describe my feeling! i even donno what 2 do,,just follow d songs! lalala,,hehe,, am i hepi now? with what i got in my life? it give me hepiness that i want,, mybe yes and myb no!
back 2 our topic! my final is stat 25hb october! hahahaha,, so, i want get enough rest n sleep before i struggle in my paper,,as like last sem i want do d best 4 my final,,i want do my best in final! that my promise 2 my parent,,i try keep believe in my heart that my faith is in here! i need to focus and works more harder! ALLAH plz help n guide me,,

Thursday, August 5, 2010



pix nie dalam kite dgn danial,,otw ke jaybee~
pas2 da sampai hotel~nie kt lobby hotel~~

danial n mak pn nk bgmbo gak~
bole aje,,
ha! nie kitorg da smpai otel~
here we come~take a photo~

morning world!!!
in here at level 15!!
great view!!

after that jenjalan r kt otel nie!
pix kt tepi tingkt nie kt level 13!
2nd pix bhadapan dgn gim! (nk masuk tp xd ksut sukn lax)

ha,cun x pmandangan dy!
sblh tu my lovely parent!
swimming pool terbek!

finally danial bole mandy~
dr mula2 smpai xsaba nk swimming~
now! lihat la muka ku yg bhgia nie!

sementara tngu dak kecik nie mandy,,ak pe ag~
pose kt ats nie larr~
2nd pix uw kt sblh kolam~
(wlpn xpat mandy)

tyme 2 paly table tennis wif my abah
mula2 men b2,tp mak n adik pn nk men gak,,
xpe2 ramaikn jemaah~


i feel so hurt rite now,,
i dont noe y i cry so badly,,
am i too cruel??
im d one who always hurt people,,
n im deserve 2 face all diz pain alone???!!??